Giles: 'If you think of the store as a library, it will help you to concentrate on service rather than selling.'

Kitten poker was played in the back room. After shooting Buffy, to which he wrongly thought killed her, Warren Mears celebrated at a demon bar only to discover that Buffy survived the attack. Buffy and Spike took Kennedy, Rona, Vi and Molly to a demon bar as part of their training. Some good quotes from btvs.

Buffy: 'Yes, and then I'm going to marry Bob Dole and raise penguins in Guam.'
This one was really wonderful, and I sure couldn't tell it would be from the preview. We had Buffy making three attempts to enter into a normal life, and all three screwed up by our trio of supervillains. The time slip at school was fun and the construction site thing was okay, but they paled next to Buffy's experience in retail. I thought the whole mummy hand sequence was one of the funniest things I've ever seen on this show.
I absolutely loved our villain trio this time. What frightened me was that I got every single geek reference: the Death Star, the Logan's Run references, the specific X-Files and Next Gen episodes they mentioned; I even got the Monty Python reference. (Dan and I were actually saying 'This is an ex-mummy hand!' before it came up.) Talk about funny? 'Stop touching my magic bone!' Dan and I were also howling over the Connery/Moore/Dalton controversy.
Buffy was more like Buffy in this episode – except for the drinking. But I loved Buffy getting drunk with Spike. Buffy is still Buffy, but she's going through some heavy changes right now and I totally believed her getting drunk. I also loved the sound Buffy made every time she chugged one down. Was this their first real date? Is it official that Buffy is now dating a neutered vampire who cheats at kitten poker?
My only complaint about this one is why didn't Buffy rescue the kittens?
Bits and pieces:
-- In the 'not as good as a crossover bit but at least it's something' department, Buffy said that it was intense seeing Angel. That was more than we got from him on Monday night.
-- Knowing Giles is always going to be there makes Buffy feel safe. But he isn't going to be around for long, is he?
-- The construction boss called Buffy Gidget, Britney, and Princess, all in the space of about three minutes. Sexist much?
-- It was probably for the best that Buffy's retail experience didn't work out because truthfully, who'd want Anya as a boss?
-- The effects and makeup got better, didn't they? Must be all that new UPN money.
Willow: 'You're not dumb. Just rusty.'
Buffy: 'Maybe I should ease back in with some non-taxing classes, like, introduction to pies, or maybe advanced walking.'
Jonathan: 'I need you to hold hands.'
Andrew: 'With each other?'
Warren: 'Well, you know what homophobia really means about you, don't you?'
Jonathan: 'Stop touching my magic bone!'
Female customer: 'I need something for a prosperity spell. I heard you have it. The mummy hand?'
Buffy: 'Uh, yeah, actually, I saw one downstairs. It's kinda hairy, though. Maybe it was a daddy hand.'Poker

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Buffy: 'And you get the dagger of Lex for free with it! See the inlaid mother-of-pearl underneath the black oozing goo?'
Female customer: 'This hand is dead. The power is gone, I'm not giving you money for this!'
Buffy: 'Oh, it's just playing dead. (swats the mummy hand) Little scamp.'
Anya: 'Don't worry, don't be nervous. Do what I do. Just picture yourself naked.'
Buffy: 'Fingers sold separately.'Vampire
Spike: 'You're not a schoolgirl. You're not a shop girl. You're a creature of the darkness. Like me.'
Buffy: 'Look at stupid Buffy. Too dumb for college. And freak Buffy, too strong for construction work. And my job at the magic shop? I was bored to tears even before the hour that wouldn't end! And the only person I can even stand to be around is a neutered vampire who cheats at kitten poker.'
Warren: 'I mean, there's a shot of, like, pigeons doing double-takes when the gondola blasted by. Moonraker is inexcusable.'
Very funny. Loved it. Four out of four stakes,
Billie Doux reviewed all of Buffy and Angel, so she knows the plural of apocalypse.
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Xander paced his apartment nervously. He knew he wanted to talk with Spike. He had a whole plan. First, Xander would tell Spike they needed to talk. Second, Xander would do the talking thing. Third, they would do the kissing thing. Fourth, they would live happily ever after. Well, as much as one could in the middle of a Hellmouth and dating a Vampire.

But, he couldn't find him! Spike wasn't at his crypt. He wasn't at Buffy's. And, he wasn't at Kitten Poker. He knew because Buffy had checked for him. Where was the bleached blonde menace?

Plus, William was missing again! How could he start a new relationship with Spike if he kept losing his kitten?

Xander sighed, dropping onto the couch gracelessly. He just wanted his Spike and William. Wiping at his face, he let his mind wander. Of course, his mind wandered to some dangerous places if he didn't focus. Not dangerous like wandering the graveyards at night all alone. Dangerous such as what he wanted to do with Spike if he ever got the damn Vampire back to town.

Too focused on his woe, Xander jerked up when he heard someone knock on his door. Hoping some girl scouts were on the other side, he opened the door. A brown ball of fur was pressed to his face causing him to stumble backward allowing Spike to enter and shut the door behind him. 'Will,' he cried excitedly, yanking the kitten into his arms. 'Thank you,' he said, eyes widening when he caught Spike's amused ones.

'You need to keep better track of your kitten, whelp,' Spike muttered.

Xander's face turned red. 'You try taming a kitten. It's hard work. Harder than training a Vampire to say goodbye,' he muttered, giving Spike a glare.

Spike winced, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 'Yeah, about that.'

'Yeah?' Xander asked hopefully. Wait, didn't he have a plan for this? What was he supposed to be doing right now? Why didn't Willow come up with a plan in case Spike showed up first? This was going to end bad. He just knew it.

'I just wanted to tell you that I'm in love with ya,' Spike muttered.

Xander blinked. Wait, what?

At Xander's look, Spike rolled his eyes. 'You don't know how to make it bloody easy, mate. I'm in love with you. I want to kiss you. I want to hold your hand. I want to watch that bleeding boring Syfy with you. I want to be yours. Forever,' Spike said, glaring at Xander with his arms crossed over his chest defensively.

Xander smiled. He set William down to go play as Spike shuffled his feet. Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward, deciding to go with step three. Kissing. He sealed his mouth over Spike's, enjoying the coldness that met his warmth.

Spike melted into Xander's arms, wrapping his around the human's waist. Bloody hell. Anya was right. The boy could kiss.



Xander rolled over to curl against Spike's chest. 'So, about you loving me,' he said, smirking mischievously.

Spike looked down at him suspiciously. 'Yeah,' he said slowly.

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'I love you, too, Spike.'

Spike's face lit up in awe. He rolled on top of Xander to blanket him in with his body. 'Bloody hell right ya do,' he laughed as he peppered kisses over his human's face.

William smirked from the living room. Finally. He thought Xander would never admit it. He rolled onto his belly to let his mistress rub it.

My Favorite Hilarious Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments - YouTube

Cecily smiled down at William fondly as she scratched his neck. At least now the sweet poet would be happy. Her debt was paid.

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