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Multiple deck blackjack can be beaten! This is the first book specifically focused on showing players how to overcome the house edge at the 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-deck games. Easy-to-read and understand, Jensen gives the reader concise and straightforward guidance on the essential basic strategy plays and the advanced moves that will give you the edge. Beating the double-deck Blackjack game requires that you first find a game that offers decent penetration and a minimum bet that will allow you to spread your bets from 1 to 8, yet still stay within reasonable money management principles based upon your total bankroll. Blackjack Strategy Chart (2020) - Become the best at the online casino card game. Learn when to hit, stand, double down, split and so on in the guide.
Lesson 23: Beating the Double Deck Game (Part 3)
Double Deck Basic Strategy Variations
Beating the double-deck Blackjack game requires that you first find a game that offers decent penetration and a minimum bet that will allow you to spread your bets from 1 to 8, yet still stay within reasonable money management principles based upon your total bankroll. Another “arrow in your quiver”, so to speak is to vary the play of your hand according to the count.
If you know how to count cards, you can use the count to tell you how much to bet on each hand, but you can use the count to help you play each hand more accurately, too. If you’ve studied my course up to this point, you know one of the key factors in playing a winning game of Blackjack is to leave the table when the True Count drops to -1 or lower, but that tactic isn’t very practical at most double-deck games because fewer rounds of hands are dealt before the shuffle, as compared to a six-deck game.
Consequently, you have to sit through a lot more “negative” decks, but the good thing is that a shuffle is never too far away. Yet, at the same time, we all know the casino’s edge increases as the count drops, so we want to neutralize the effects of that as much as possible. Because you’ll likely be sitting through many more negative counts at a double-deck game, what we need to do is learn the plays for hands like hitting 12 against a dealer’s 5 and so forth. We also want to avoid doubling and splitting pairs in low counts and we’ll hit instead. But we don’t want to guess at important plays like that, so we’ll need to learn Basic Strategy variations for “lower” numbers, like -2, -3 and so forth. A realistic range for most double-deck games is a True Count of -6 to +6 and that will cover 85% of all the hands you’ll ever play, assuming 50-60% penetration.
Some players prefer to learn just the indices for the most common hands, with the idea that they’ll get a hand like A, 4 against a 5 less than 100 times in every 100,000 hands of play, but they’ll have a 16 against 10 much more often. In his book, “'>Blackjack Attack” in the 2nd edition, GameMaster’s Blackjack School” and I cannot over-emphasize their value. Make up a set and carry them with you, or at least study them intently before each playing session if single-deck Blackjack isn’t your “primary” game.
As always, if you have any questions, e-mail me at [email protected] and Ill get back to you ASAP.
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The GameMaster Online, Inc.
Allstar Gambling USA / Guides /Double down in blackjack is considered to be one of the most well-known options which are available to the blackjack players. There are only a handful number of aspects in blackjack is going to offer you the same thrill as doubling down the original wager and securing a good profit. Even new players know about this feature and they tend to wait on eagerly for the hands to qualify.
Like the other player options which are available in blackjack, the option can prove to be really profitable if used in the right manner. However, what’s unfortunate is that the players do not really how the doubling works.
Double Down: What is it?
In blackjack, double down is when you actually double the wager when you get the first two cards. As the cards are dealt out, you will have the option if permitted by the rule. In case you win the bet, you will win double your actual wager.
The rules pertaining to doubling down will differ from one casino to the other. Hence, it is better to find out about the house rules in regards prior to sitting down to play.
These days in the majority of the casinos, the player will be allowed to double down on 2 original cards. In fact, there are some casinos which will allow you to double down blackjack. The rule is applicable whether you are playing online or live. There are few gambling dens which will restrict it to a hard total of 9, 10, or 11. Here, you will be able when the first two cards will together make these amounts.
In most of the US online casinos, you will be also be allowed when you receive a splitting pair. Again, there are some that do not permit this. Thus, it is better to check the casino rules.
Few casinos enable you to double for less, meaning that the wager is half of the actual betting amount.
If you have to show that you want to play that move, you need to place chips less or equal to the actual wager on the table. This is the method to double. The dealer will come to know that you would like to double and is going to deal with you with another card.
How To Beat Double Deck Blackjack Card Game
A significant thing that you need to remember when you double down the pair is to say ‘double’ or ‘double down’ when you place the bet. This way the dealer is not going to make the mistake it as a wish to split the pair. The reason is that the action to double and split is almost the same. Make sure that you tell the dealer that you want to make that move when you get a pair.
In case you are playing live blackjack over the internet then you should just click on Double Down and the bet is going to be placed.
The strategy of Double Down in Blackjack
Blackjack players strongly believe that you have to double down a total of eleven. With this, there is a good chance that you will get 10 with 21 as total. Veterans, as well as beginners, tend to DD at 11. However, the question is this the right play?
Generally, this is the right play. However, people who do not know how to count cards will know that you one rule fits all solution in regards to blackjack. Experienced players, who know how to count, will count for deciding if they should go this way or not, even when they have a total of 11.
In case the deck has a negative count then doubling down on any kind of total is going to result in a disaster. If the deck is negative, there are going to be more low cards in a particular deck. Thus, it means that the additional card that you get on 11 might be 4, 5, or 6. When the dealer shows 10, it is going to prove problematic for you. However, if the count is positive, a veteran player will use the option an extensive range of hands. This is because he is aware of the fact that there greater number of tens present in the deck. He will have an opportunity to make 21 from 11 or even a 20 from 10.
The primary doubling down strategy is, in case you can count cards; let the cards decide if or not you will double as per the basic strategy you are going to employ. In case you are a newbie with no experience at all, take a look at the basic rules,
- Make sure to double down a hard of eleven.
- Double down a hard total of ten against 4, 5, and 6 of the dealer.
- Double down hard total 9 against 5 or 6 of the dealer.
You need to abide by these rules till you know how to count cards. As soon as you learn how to count, you will have more opportunities to double down.
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